Sunday, February 21, 2010

They say stench, I say aroma

You know that smell you get after being around horses for a few hours? especially if the horse had just rolled in the field or worked up a sweat. I love that smell, I know a quite a few people who think that smell is stinky, I know I'd love to bottle it and save it, maybe for a day when I can't see my horses .
So onto Flossie, I went out today ready to do some more lunging, she's caught on incredibly well, maybe let her feel the bit in her mouth for a while, put on a bareback pad and cinch it up to give her some of that tightness she's gonna feel when I saddle her when the time comes, I was raring to go.
I got out there, my jaw dropped, she got into some cockle burs and has them all over her tummy, that fluffy belgian coat of hers catches them so easily it's a pain to get them all out, so I spent a few hours giving her a sponge bath (her very first!) and smothering her with conditioner trying to get those burs untangled.
I got one side done, she got a lesson in patience I think it was a good one. I had her tied nearly the whole time too, that was good for her. tomorrow is going to be another day of being poked and pricked by burs, I have a whole other side to pick at I think she enjoys it just as much as I do. Luckily the weather is warming up to the 40s.
I hope I'll have some progress to write about in the next post, until then!

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